Celoron Park, on Chautauqua Lake in southwestern New York State, existed for only about sixty years. As an amusement park of its era, it stood with the best-known parks. By today's standards, the park would seem tame, but it was top-notch in its time. The author wanted to know more about the park, but couldn't find a book, so he created one. The book is full of color photos of the park's attractions, and is a worthy addition to the collection of any amusement park enthusiast. Presented in 6 x 9 perfect-bound format, the book has 188 pages. 148 pages have at least one photo/map/illustration, and 38 of those pages are in color. Appendixes cover the various park rides and attractions, the buildings associated with the park, and methods of transportation for those who went to the park. Included are maps that show the various ride locations.
Book is signed by Author